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Niki Inglis

Niki Inglis, M Ed, M Arch, ERYT 500 YACEP

Program Director of 200 & 300 hr YTT.

Niki's Story

Informed by the new paradigm of Biotensegrity, Niki encourages all students to interact with the mind/body as an integrated whole instead of the machine-like image of levers and pulleys that traditional Anatomy has provided us.



Foot Muscles Model
Yoga Accessories


Niki has built the curriculum for and taught two 50 Hour Yoga Alliance-recognized Embodied Biotensegrity Yoga Teacher Trainings in Vancouver in 2016 and 2017. She has been teaching Vijnana-influenced classes, Retreats and Trainings in Vancouver and around the world since 2003 and is the inventor of the Myofascial Flow style. A passionate educator at heart, she earned her Masters Degree in Education in 2017 from the University of British Columbia and advocates strongly for good Pedagogy in Yoga teaching, as well as for the status of Yoga as an important Wellness Art and Science.

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